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Need professional advice for your consent to let with The Chorley & District Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

The Chorley & District Building Society consent to let: Q and A’s

  • I have a homeowner mortgage over my property in loc and intend to move to country for three years. During this time frame it makes financial sense to lease out my house. My bank has declined to grant me consent to let. It’s hardly ideal to move to a buy to let loan as it’s only for a limited time-frame that I am going away for.

  • I have a garden flat but I am rarely there, exploring the option of renting it out. My mortgage is with The Chorley & District Building Society, would I have to move onto a new mortgage rate or should I apply for consent to let?
  • How much does it cost to get consent to let by The Chorley & District Building Society and is there a minimum amount of time I should have had the mortgage for?
  • My wife and I are planning on purchasing a house, renting a couple of the bedrooms out to help cover the loan with The Chorley & District Building Society, and then moving on in a few years time - when the property would be fully let. How likely is it that The Chorley & District Building Society would look at this unfavourably as I will have been given a non-commercial loan as opposed to a B2L or consent to let? I've read that in extreme situations they can sue for mortgage fraud, is this correct?
  • It is looking as though I may need to move to Miami for two years, I have a property with a The Chorley & District Building Society mortgage. Do I need to seek consent to let? Will they be obliging?
  • I was just looking into consent to let as it's something potentially I require from The Chorley & District Building Society inside the next year. Our personal situation has changed, and I would like to rent my home out
  • Just wondering if if consent to let would be forthcoming from The Chorley & District Building Society in order to move back to my mother and father for 12 months and save the cash on the lease extension for my property?
  • I wish to let out a room in my flat in Lewisham. Do I need consent to let from my mortgage provider The Chorley & District Building Society?