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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Scottish Widows Bank plc? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Sample questions relating to Scottish Widows consent to let

  • My fixed rate mortgage is coming up for refinancing with Scottish Widows. I have had the property rented out for a two years and I think I should informScottish Widows. My understanding is that I can ask for a consent to lease, but since the property has already been let out could they refuse - insist I go onto a BTL rate and even fine me? I have over 25% equity in the house - and the rent will more than cover the mortgage.
  • I am purchasing a one bedroom apartment in Southwark. I will only want to live there for a year, and subsequently move into a bigger property. Rather than sell the prior home I'd like to rent it out so that it becomes an investment. Do you know if Scottish Widows would issue consent to let after 9 months?
  • I own a 2 bedroom leasehold flat with a Scottish Widows mortgage and have a lodger sharing with me. I have decided to take a job in a different city and will look for a property to rent. My lodger wishes to remain and is willing to pay a higher rent. Am I obliged to seek consent to let via Scottish Widows?
  • I am planning to let my house for a year from 9th October next year. Is there conventional wording for a letter I can use to send to Scottish Widows to apply for consent to let.
  • I'm thinking about letting my property on a residential mortgage with Scottish Widows what is the procedure for getting consent to let?
  • My OH is considering purchasing a new property in Brent and is on to a good deal as it needs renovating. We want to rent our current property for two years and come back to live. Is there anything in the Terms and Conditions of my Scottish Widows mortgage to say I can rent it out or do I require specific consent to let?
  • My fiance and I have a owner-occupier mortgage with Scottish Widows and are considering obtaining consent to let so that we can apply for a further mortgage on another property that I own on a buy to let basis. Before we apply I would like to know the repercussions if any of making the change and any facts that we need to be aware of.
  • I have a mortgage with Scottish Widows but am wanting to lease my house out and move in with my GF and baby what is required to get consent to let?