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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Scottish Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to Scottish Building Society consent to lease

  • Will Scottish Building Society invoke a right to put a loading on my interest rate on a residential mortgage where the lender has granted Consent to Let at any time, onto ‘rates equivalent to their Buy to Let range'?

  • I have just been on a call with Scottish Building Society and they tell me that it has come to their attention that I have been renting the ground floor flat despite having a normal mortgage. I moved out two years ago for work reasons, couldn't sell and was left with little option but to let out the property. Are you able to advise me on the ramifications will be for me not obtaining consent to let?
  • My gf and I might have to rent out her flat, and I have a query regarding obtaining permission to do so. I know I need to notify Scottish Building Society and get a consent to let or move across to a buy to let mortgage. But the property is leasehold, so do we need consent to let from the freehold company?
  • We are planning to rent out my property for a year from 9th August next year. Is there a standard format for a letter I can use to write to Scottish Building Society to request consent to let.
  • When it comes to consent to let from Scottish Building Society am I obliged to advise them every time we get a new tenant and post them a copy of the lease?
  • I am interested in finding out more about the Scottish Building Society consent to let process and conditions for granting.
  • My Scottish Building Society mortgage fixed rate expires in January and have to relocate for work soon after. What are the chances that I will be able to both refinance and gain consent to let?
  • How likely is it that Scottish Building Society force me into a consent to let product while I'm in a fixed rate product for twenty four months?