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Need professional advice for your consent to let with The Royal Bank of Scotland plc? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Royal Bank of Scotland Consent to Lease Example Support Desk Enquires

  • Having endured living in a rough area for 3 years now, we are keen to relocate. As selling the house will trigger a hefty early repayment charges to Royal Bank of Scotland of £5000, we considered that it would be sensible to rent it out. In the circumstances we need consent to let from Royal Bank of Scotland only for less than a year. What can I do to get consent?

  • I've been with Royal Bank of Scotland for just short of 2 years and have just renewed a fixed rate. The LTV is about 30%. We now must move into my mum’s home to care for her, it would make sense to lease our house out - do I require consent to let from Royal Bank of Scotland and is it likely to be granted?
  • I have a mortgage with Royal Bank of Scotland however my husband and I will be emigrating to Australia in January. The mortgage is in my name yet it is my husband's job that is taking us abroad how do I answer the question: 'please indicate why you wish to let the property':
  • As we are relocating and failing to sell our house, we are considering renting it out. Is it imperative to advise Royal Bank of Scotland? I have a hunch that Royal Bank of Scotland might change our terms. I thought if you continued paying on time it shouldn't be a problem, but am now nervous about insurance consequences if I have let my property out on the sly. Any advice?
  • Should I decide to apply for consent to let from Royal Bank of Scotland what is the time scale Royal Bank of Scotland would take to make a decision?
  • I'm planning to change mortgage provider to Royal Bank of Scotland for a fixed rate but the likelihood is that I will need to rent the flat out for approximately 12 months. Do Royal Bank of Scotland consent to let on fixed rate home loans and if so, what are the procedures.
  • We have a new mortgage however my girlfriend doesn't feel safe in the property due to other tenants in the block. I know that many lenders have a half year rule before consent to let - does this apply to all lenders. Is there any way Royal Bank of Scotland would allow it from day one?
  • I have a mortgage with Royal Bank of Scotland. I am thinking of moving out and letting out my property. Am I required to obtain consent to let ?