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Need professional advice for your consent to let with The Royal Bank of Scotland plc? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Questions and Answers: Royal Bank of Scotland consent to let

  • Can one refinance on a consent to lease with Royal Bank of Scotland?

  • A friend of mine suggested that this Christmas I rent out my cottage and generate some income whilst on vacation. It only a short term option for a fortnight. Will consent to let be needed from Royal Bank of Scotland?

  • I want to let my existing property and want to acquire a bigger house for the family. I have a mortgage with Royal Bank of Scotland. Provided I get the consent to let as I understand lenders are more than likely to push me towards getting BTL mortgage when the fixed term comes to an end. Could I refinance after a couple of years with another lender? What implications does that have aside from the higher rates - do I need a higher equity portion in the property too ie lower ltv?
  • My girlfriend and I (joint owner) are considering refinancing with Royal Bank of Scotland. I was conducting some research concerning consent to let from Royal Bank of Scotland to understand the rules around potentially renting our current flat out (probably in a year or 2) if we moved away. The flat in question was a first-time purchase for us about two years ago. Currently we are living there.
  • I am just finding out some information at this stage. My boyfriend has asked me to move in with him and i'm not keen to sell my home just yet. So now I want to know what I would need to do to get consent to let from Royal Bank of Scotland
  • I have Royal Bank of Scotland mortgage and am considering renting out the property. I understand I would require consent to let to do that true ?
  • Is it possible to negotiate a consent to let from Royal Bank of Scotland if I have an existing mortgage which has been in place for seven years?
  • My mortgage is currently with Royal Bank of Scotland and am considering whether to sell or rent in the short term but don't have the equity for a buy to let mortgage at this stage. How feasible are consent to let options currently?