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Need professional advice for your consent to let with NRAM Ltd? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Common questions relating to NRAM Ltd consent to lease

  • I am a FTB looking to purchase a small house in NRAM Ltd. I have a good size deposit with a mortgage from NRAM Ltd. My concern is that my partner has a apartment in London and I hope to be moving in next year, at which point I would have to let out my house. I have heard of consent to let but it does not sound like a guaranteed option. Can you offer any advice?

  • Please explain "consent to let" to me? I live in a 1 bed apartment and its in good condition. It is on the market and I can't find a buyer. This is because my neighbour is noisey. I have had to put this on the disclosure form. Mortgage is with NRAM Ltd on a standard variable rate. It has been suggested to me that I should seek consent to let from NRAM Ltd and rent the property for a year or two.
  • I've been with NRAM Ltd for almost 2 years and have just renewed a fixed rate. The loan to value is about 30%. Unfortunately we need to move into my elderly mother-in-law's house to look after her, it would make sense to let our house out - do I need to seek consent to let from NRAM Ltd and is it likely to be expensive?
  • Is it right that mortgage companies (I have a mortgage with NRAM Ltd) are taking a more lenient approach towards consent to let? A mortgage adviser suggested that BTL mortgages are not regulated by the FCA whereas residential mortgages are. So if I switch from a standard to a BTL I am moving to a regulated product. He said that under the current regulation banks are reluctant to allow customers do this, which may explain why some mortgage companies will let borrowers have consent to let but not move to a Buy to let mortgage. Is he plausible?
  • I’ve already let but only just dawned on us that NRAM Ltd should've been advised and consent to let applied for - can consent be obtained retrospectively?
  • I have a letter to NRAM Ltd requesting consent to let signed and ready, but I'm not sure what address I should post this to. Can you please help me with the address?
  • My wife and I wish to move home and have identified a property we wish to purchase so are considering renting out with consent to let from NRAM Ltd for our current property to allow us to place an offer and not lose the potential new property.
  • Just wanted to know what needs to be provided to NRAM Ltd in order to get consent to let? I just finished a three year fixed mortgage and potentially moving to another apartment with my partner.