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Need professional advice for your consent to let with National Westminster Bank plc? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Top Five Questions relating to National Westminster Bank consent to lease

  • My wife and I may need to let our Havering home for a while due to me taking a sabbatical. This will be for a limited period but perhaps for 6 years. Must I notify National Westminster Bank or do I remain silent?

  • me and my wife recently sorted our rates for another fixed five years with National Westminster Bank. However, I went to an interview and basically I accepted the job offer in Southwark. I'm going to rent a small flat for me and my family in Waltham Forest as we don't wish to sell the house and moreover we might come back within a couple of years.... We really have no idea how things will go. We have contacted National Westminster Bank but we would appreciate your point of view please. Is it possible to receive consent to let in that case as we just got a fixed 5 years rate we really don't want to swap this.
  • I own a property that's currently under shared ownership (My share is 60%) purchased in Aug 2014. I plan to go through the full purchase of the house. My partner and I have also got a second house that we are hoping to buy. Mortgage in principle has been approved by National Westminster Bank. I would like to know that I will be able to put the existing house through consent to let as soon as the remainder share has been purchased so, that we can start the process of purchasing the new property
  • I intend to lease our current flat out early next year when we move. This is to be done with consent to let from National Westminster Bank. At the moment the property is in my name but I am a higher rate tax payer. Is it best to do a Transfer of Equity to her or can we enter into a Declaration of Trust?
  • My wife and I are the registered owners of a place in Bristol with National Westminster Bank and am moving to rent a property in Oxford due to work. Is consent to let from National Westminster Bankpossible? I only want to lease out the flat for six to nine months before selling.
  • How much of my mortgage allowance will be made available to borrow if I convert my mortgage to a consent to let with National Westminster Bank?
  • I am interested in understanding the National Westminster Bank consent to let process and conditions for granting.
  • A work promotions now necessitates that Ibe in different countries every month and as such I wish to understand the procedure for applying for consent to let with National Westminster Bank