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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Monmouthshire Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Monmouthshire Building Society consent to let: Q and A’s

  • I am a first time buyer looking to purchase a 2 bedroom house in Monmouthshire Building Society. I have a significant deposit with a mortgage from Monmouthshire Building Society. My concern is that my girlfriend has a apartment in Slough and I anticipate moving in next year, at which point I would have to let out my property. I I know that consent to let is needed but it does not sound like there is any certainty. Can you offer any advice?

  • In September 2013 I was issued consent to let from my existing lender which is about to come to an end. I have since been traveling and had my first child. I'm not earning enough just now to pay the mortgage by myself. My lender has advised me that I can't extend my consent to let and if I continue renting out I will be in action would be taken for breaching my mortgage contract. Due to affordability I don't think the buy to let will be approved. One option I am thinking about is remortgaging to Monmouthshire Building Society. Are they likely to grant consent to let from the start?
  • I have recently sought consent to let from Monmouthshire Building Society, but it would be useful to know if they have any conditions on the level of rental yield?
  • We currently have a five year fixed rate mortgage with Monmouthshire Building Society that we're approximately 18 months into. Our situation has now altered and we would like to let out our property for a while and move to another town. What can we do to minimise the risk of Monmouthshire Building Society refusing to grant consent to let.
  • Interested to know if if consent to let would be forthcoming from Monmouthshire Building Society in order to move back to my parents for 12 months and conserve some cash on the lease extension for my property?
  • My husband and I are about to change mortgage provider to Monmouthshire Building Society for a fixed rate but the likelihood is that I would need to rent the house out for about one year. Do Monmouthshire Building Society consent to let on fixed rate home loans and if so, what are the procedures.
  • My fixed rate loan with Monmouthshire Building Society ends in June and have to move with work then. Is it likely that I be able to both remortgage and obtain consent to let?
  • Last month purchased my home and took out a mortgage with Monmouthshire Building Society but my boyfriend has asked me to move in with him. Would I be granted consent to let?