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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Metro Bank plc? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to Metro Bank consent to lease

  • Are any options available to me if my application for consent to lease is turned down by Metro Bank?

  • A few months ago I let out my 2 bed flat and have gained a Consent to Let with my bank. Six months have now gone by and they have upped my payments as forewarned. I am unable to switch to a preferable product with them, as they will withdraw my consent to let. If I was to go with another provider for instance Metro Bank, would I be required to apply for a BTL loan or could I just refinance and get consent to let?
  • What is the process for obtaining consent to let from Metro Bank? What documents do they require? is there a fee to pay? How long the consent is valid for? Do I need to renew it annually? What if I obtain a consent but decide to sell the property rather than lease out the property?
  • What is the maximum period of time allowable to Metro Bank that I would be able to let my property before having to transfer the mortgage or sell my property? In essence, my boyfriend would like me to move in with him and I really want to hold onto my house. I would like the comfort of knowing I still have my own home.
  • My wife and I were curious as to whether it is possible if you own one property with consent to let from Metro Bank, to buy another with a domestic mortgage to live in. Then once the consent expires on the first property, to change to buy to let or sell it?
  • Is it possible to remortgage with Metro Bank with consent to let if my fixed rate is about to expire. Circumstances would not have changed.
  • I may potentially need consent to let from Metro Bank in the future with work. I am just seeing what the options would be if this was the case. Are there any time restrictions on how long you can let out a property with consent?
  • I was wondering if you could assist. I do not have consent to let from Metro Bank and would like to know if this option is available to me to move to as I must move back home to take care of my mum