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Need professional advice for your consent to let with MBS Lending Ltd? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Top Five Questions relating to MBS Lending Ltd consent to lease

  • I’d appreciate your advice if you have had experience seeking Consent to Letforfor less than a year from MBS Lending Ltd or whether you have any tops as to how such approval is given.

  • I have a residential mortgage with MBS Lending Ltd and will be joining the Royal Fleet Auxiliary in January. This is a civilian manned fleet owned by the MOD. I will be at sea four months on and three months in the UK. Whilst on assignment I want to rent out my house in Islington and live with my father when on shore. I am confident that my rental income would cover my monthly repayments. Can you help?
  • I am interested to know how straightforward it would be to seek consent to let with MBS Lending Ltd. I am considering fixed deals and plan to reside there but would like to know what options are open to me if work has opportunities elsewhere for example in 2 or 3 yrs Please let me know how challenging it is in your experience with MBS Lending Ltd?
  • My husband and I currently live in Hong Kong and leasing out our flat in the UK. This was unplanned but an opportunity presented itself and we took it. The rent we make on the flat is not enough to cover the mortgage so we send back funds each month to cover the shortfall. Earlier today I got a letter in the mail from our lender telling me that as the property is being let out and has been for nearly two years we will have to pay 1.5% interest on top of our current mortgage rate. One option is to sell up but this will be difficult as I am on the other side of the world. Could we remortgage with MBS Lending Ltd and get consent to let?
  • I am looking for information on what are acceptable reasons for leasing a property when it comes to seeking consent to let from MBS Lending Ltd? Can you assist?
  • I am looking at moving overseas for work and would like consent to let from MBS Lending Ltd whilst I am away. Is the way forward to complete the consent to let form and mail it to MBS Lending Ltd? The point of renting the property isn't to make money but to retain the property in case things don't turn out as well as we hope
  • I was just looking into consent to let as it's something potentially I require from MBS Lending Ltd inside the next 12 months. Our family circumstances has changed, and I wish to let my home out
  • I have a mortgage with MBS Lending Ltd taken 3 months back where I moved from another mortgage provider. Can I now rent my property with consent to let from MBS Lending Ltd as I am looking to purchase a further property.