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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Market Harborough Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Common questions relating to Market Harborough Building Society consent to lease

  • What do I do if my application to obtain consent to let is turned down by Market Harborough Building Society?

  • I have a current mortgage contract with Market Harborough Building Society and wish to clarify if it would be possible to obtain consent to let out our studio flat in Brent.

    The purpose for needing to find tenants for the property are as follows: -

    • Me and my wife will be relocating to Cape Town next spring.
    • By renting out the property this will facilitate savings to help the migration process.
    • There is little merit from a fiscal perspective to pay outright for a property which we are not living and by leasing out the home this would be viewed as continuing investment.

    If Market Harborough Building Society agreed that we are able to proceed with renting we would propose some financial assurances to include: -

    • Continue to pay the monthly mortgage payment directly from my current account.
    • Retain the services of an approved letting agent who will provide a rent guarantee scheme as a further financial protection.
    • Provide our forwarding details for when we relocate.
  • I am a landlord and currently completing eviction orders on a tenant who had not paid his rent in 3 months. A Section 21 and section 8 have been served. The tenant's defense for refusal to pay is built on the claim that I do not have consent to let my ground floor flat from my provider Market Harborough Building Society
  • I've been with Market Harborough Building Society for nearly 2 years and have just re-fixed the mortgage rate. The loan to value is around 45%. Unfortunately we must move into my elderly mother-in-law's home to care for her, it would make sense to rent our house out - do I need to seek consent to let from Market Harborough Building Society and is it likely to be granted?
  • I’ve already let but only just dawned on us that Market Harborough Building Society ought to have been advised and consent to let sought - what's the best course of action now?
  • I have separated from my ex and we have moved back in with our respective parents and intend to divorce. What do I have to do to get Market Harborough Building Society to give consent to let our house out to tenants?
  • Just wondering if if consent to let would be forthcoming from Market Harborough Building Society in order to move back in with my parents for a year or two and conserve some money to extend the lease on my flat?
  • I would like to find out more about obtaining consent to let on a property. In particular what is the procedure for consent to let if you have a normal mortgage with Market Harborough Building Society