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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Kensington Mortgage Company Ltd? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Kensington Mortgage consent to let: Q and A’s

  • My wife and I purchased a flat in Leeds and will be moving to Cornwall at the beginning of February. I have a letting agency and tenant ready. I was proposing to keep quiet as I'm afraid Kensington Mortgage will insist that I change my mortgage rate over to a buy to let and am unable to afford that. I appreciate that it would be preferable to secured a consent to let via Kensington Mortgage but am afraid if I open Pandora's box it would result in a whole host of issues
  • We have an offer accepted to buy a property, we have a deposit of between 20-25% for a homeowner mortgage with Kensington Mortgage. The one concern is we are due to go overseas in three months for work. We are using a mortgage broker. He says if you tell this to Kensington Mortgage in advance you will need to get a buy to let. Do go ahead with residential mortgage with Kensington Mortgage, shortly thereafter seek consent to let? Alternatively, do we try and contact Kensington Mortgage at this point and say there is a chance we will move abroad in the future (nothing is confirmed regarding the move abroad) and see if they confirm in advance that it should not be a problem
  • I am in the armed forces and planning to buy a house using a Kensington Mortgage mortgage. I would like to be given consent to let this property to my parents. In years to come I would live in the property with my family when my military career comes to an end. Is this achievable?
  • Need some advice regarding renting a property and consent to let. I intend to move in with my fiance. The council would like to rent my flat for five year commitment with rent being paid and maintenance. Our mortgage was changed to Kensington Mortgage last year. Please help
  • I took a domestic mortgage with Kensington Mortgage - 55% equity or thereabouts. I am considering relocating for another job and was curious if Kensington Mortgage are flexible in changing the mortgage to allow for consent to let?
  • I currently have my mortgage with Kensington Mortgage and have been for the past twenty months and I am at present just wanting some insight as to whether gaining a consent to let is likely.
  • In the event that I was successful in obtaining consent to let from Kensington Mortgage, can I sell during the consent period? Is it possible that I would incur any charges?
  • I would like to find out more about obtaining consent to let on a property. In particular what is the procedure for consent to let if you have a normal mortgage with Kensington Mortgage