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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Furness Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Sample questions relating to Furness Building Society consent to let

  • We have a Furness Building Society mortgage and are have made overpayments to bring the loan amount down, in gainful employment etc. Do you know how much the fees are and if Furness Building Society usually grant consent to let without transferring to a new mortgage product?

  • I've got an existing homeloan with Furness Building Society approaching twenty four months and the fixed rate is due to expire. We are looking at releasing equity from our current property to enable us to acquire a new larger home and then let out the current maisonette. We were originally informed that we should get a new residential mortgage with a consent to let - can you explain what this is?
  • I have recently been provided with a career opportunity 250 miles from home and considering whether it's a good idea leasing my house out. Will Furness Building Society permit me to change mortgage or give me consent to let? Should it not be available I will have to consider if I should accept the job. I wouldn't mind paying more as I intend to come back and live in my home after 1 to 3 years. I'm not doing it to profit. Just love my house and wish to return to it one day.
  • I have been renting out my flat to students for a few years but not on a buy to let mortgage because I thought that you only needed a BTL if you had more than one property. In trying to purchase a further property, I discovered that I should have obtained consent to let at the outset from my lender Furness Building Society. I'm enquiring whether I can now ask Furness Building Society for a consent to let?
  • Can you help me understand what are acceptable reasons for leasing a property when it comes to seeking consent to let from Furness Building Society? Are you able to help?
  • I am just finding out some information at this stage. My boyfriend has asked me to move in with him and I have been trying to sell the flat but have had no luck whatsoever despite several decreases in price. So now I want to know what I would need to do to get consent to let from Furness Building Society
  • I have had my home loan with Furness Building Society for ten years with no arrear If I asked for consent to let would it be granted?
  • Assuming that I was successful in obtaining consent to let from Furness Building Society, can I sell during the consent period? Is it possible that I would incur any penalties?