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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Chelsea Building Society (a trading name of Yorkshire BS)? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to Chelsea Building Society consent to lease

  • Can a new mortgage be taken on a consent to let with Chelsea Building Society?

  • Soon to be packing up as my partner and I plan to return to New Zealandin Month, perhaps short-term but potentially longer term. We have just applied to Chelsea Building Society to obtain consent to let out my property (we have already found tenants). The mortgage has been in place with Chelsea Building Society for three years and the account is up to date with no current arrears. Chelsea Building Society tell me, that even if they grant consent to let, that this will be a temporary arrangement for a single year. What happens after one year?

  • My question does not specifically concern consent to let, I was wondering if you have an contact details for a dedicated Chelsea Building Society help desk who deal with consent to let applications. Chelsea Building Society has a first charge over my flat.
  • Two years ago my wife and I bought our council home, in Lambeth,recently valued at £200k. It's completely paid for from our own finances, mortgage fee. We can't sell (without penalty of losing some of our discount) before 5 years have gone by. Regardless, we would like to keep it as a investment property to let out. We wish to release some equity via a Chelsea Building Society mortgage. If Chelsea Building Society refuse are there lenders that will allow this and grant consent to let?
  • I have a Chelsea Building Society mortgage currently and may want to let it out for a limited period of time with consent from Chelsea Building Society for (two years). How long do you have to wait until you apply for consent to let??
  • My fiance and I acquired a place in London with Chelsea Building Society and am moving to rent a property in Somerset due to work. Is consent to let from Chelsea Building Societypossible? I only want to lease out the flat for six to nine months before selling.
  • How much of my mortgage allowance will be made available to borrow if I change my mortgage to a consent to let with Chelsea Building Society?
  • We are about to buy a flat and plan to live in it once we have renovated but we may need to let the property out but not clear on what the criteria is for consent to let from Chelsea Building Society? We don't require a buy to let mortgage because we are not certain if we will need to let it out at all