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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Britannia? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to Britannia consent to lease

  • How likely are Britannia in granting Consent To Let on a studio flat? Agents have had it on the market for six weeks. I need to sell but I'm worried that given the lack of interest I will have to get a tenant in to cover the mortgage to Britannia (I no longer reside there). I would prefer to be open with Britannia than keep them in the dark but I'm not sure how helpful they will be.
  • My fiance and I have a normal mortgage with Britannia. My company has offered me a property as part of my job and wish to lease out my current home. My financial advisor seems confident that it is an easy process. Are you able to provide me with some information please?
  • We may be given an opportunity to work in a different office in the UK for a few months and would like to know if we can rent our current property. It is a two year fixed rate and we are seven months into the mortgage with Britannia. We have lived at the property for more than 3.5 years. Our LTV is 65%. Are we likely to get consent to let from Britannia? What can we expect in fees etc
  • The plan is to move in with my partner and I have let my property out to two students on a one year tenancy. I am now applying for consent to let from Britannia but what if they decline. I can’t rescind on my contract in terms of backing out of renting the students as the paperwork is finalised. On the other hand Britannia could take me to court for breach of contract i.e. letting it out in the absence of consent to let.
  • I’ve already let but only just realised Britannia ought to have been notified and consent to let applied for - what's the best course of action now?
  • I have a domestic mortgage with Britannia - 40% equity or thereabouts. I am considering relocating due to a promotion and enquiring whether consent to let would be granted so I could rent out the house?
  • I am potentially moving in with my girlfriend at her home and would like to rent out my property that I acquired ten months ago, I'm just not sure of the process as my property is my first home. What do I need to do to gain consent to let from Britannia If I obtain consent will my mortgage payments go up?
  • Am I required to obtain consent to let if I rent to a family member (in my case my mum now lives there and contributes towards the Britannia mortgage)?