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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Birmingham Bank? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Common questions relating to Birmingham Bank consent to lease

  • I’d appreciate your advice if you have had experience asking for Consent to Letfor12 months from Birmingham Bank or whether you have any tops as to how such permission is obtained.

  • I have been letting out my flat with "consent to let" from Birmingham Bank on a residential mortgage for the previous 24 months. Birmingham Bank have just written revoking consent to let if we do not switch to one of their "buy to let" deals.

  • Me and my brother jointly own a flat in Tower Hamlets with a Birmingham Bank mortgage. I want to leave and buy a house with my fiancee. How would I deal with renting out my room? Would I require consent to let via Birmingham Bank. My brother will continue to reside in the apartment
  • The likelihood is that I will have the opportunity to work abroad in a couple of years. I am therefore potentially scaling down to a newer flat in Lambeth which I could rent out with less difficulty as and when required. The intention is to keep half the equity in the new property which would be my home for a while. My existing mortgage provider will only issue consent to let for a year. I suspect renting it out longer term and not having consent could land me in a whole host of trouble. BTL seems inappropriate when I will be living there, perhaps for 2-3 years initially. What product should I be seeking, and from which lender? Do lenders such as Birmingham Bank issue consent to let for an open ended period?
  • I'm gathering some information on whether consent to let is something available to me? We have a mortgage with Birmingham Bank and are considering renting the property out for a couple of years, but cannot really afford to change to a buy to let mortgage. The estate agent mentioned something about a content to let
  • How much is it to get a consent to let from Birmingham Bank on my residential property. Recently I have moved in with my partner and have a family member renting from me.
  • Do I need to wait for consent to let to be issued on my existing residential mortgage with Birmingham Bank before applying for a resi mortgage on a second property?
  • I might be looking to lease out my property and wondered what I would need to do to obtain consent to let from Birmingham Bank. I may be emigrating permanently.