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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Barclays Bank as The Woolwich? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to Barclays - Woolwich consent to lease

  • I have a normal mortgage over my residence in loc and intend to move to country for two years. During this time frame it would be ideal if I could let out my apartment. My bank will not provide me with consent to let. I don’t really want a buy to let mortgage as it’s only for a limited time-frame that I am abroad for.

  • My brother and I may need to lease our home out for a while due to a career opportunity. This will be for a limited period we would possibly like a consent to let our property. We currently have a Barclays - Woolwich mortgage. What are the fees involved and time limits on consent to let agreements?
  • I have been renting out my flat to students for a few years but not on a BTL mortgage because I naively considered that you only required a BTL if you had more than one property. In trying to purchase a second property, I found that I should have had consent to let at the outset from my mortgage provider Barclays - Woolwich. I'm curious as to whether I can now ask Barclays - Woolwich for a consent to let?
  • Just wondering if Barclays - Woolwich conduct any checks when obtaining a resi mortgage, I'm preferably looking to lease the property out and am unsure as to whether I should apply for consent to let. How would they find out if I rent the house out?
  • Last month I got married and I am in the process of buying out 100% of my co-ownership mortgage with my wife. As a result we have now been given a 90% loan to value on our house. We want to buy a larger home. Will it be possible to get a consent to let on my new mortgage with Barclays - Woolwich to allow us to get a mortgage also with Barclays - Woolwich for a new home?
  • I have a mortgage with Barclays - Woolwich on a three year fixed rate. I could have an opportunity for a teaching post abroad next year. Am I eligible for consent to let by Barclays - Woolwich were I to accept this job abroad?
  • I have a mortgage with Barclays - Woolwich but would like to let my house out and move in with my girlfriend and baby what would I have to do to obtain consent to let?
  • What, if any, income requirements do Barclays - Woolwich set for consent to let on an existing domestic mortgage?