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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Aldermore Bank PLC? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Sample questions relating to Aldermore Bank consent to let

  • Much to my surprise I have been offered an excellent career opportunity for 6 months in Denmark. I have enough cash reserves to pay the monthly Aldermore Bank mortgage however the buildings insurance stipulates that the property must be occupied in order to be valid. Last winter the roof had some leaks that were repaired. Should there be any problems through the winter months I would find it hard to afford repair costs. Will I qualify for consent to let by Aldermore Bank for a limited period?
  • Your view would be appreciated as to whether consent to let from Aldermore Bank is the best option. I purchased my house nine months ago by porting an existing Aldermore Bank mortgage product. My fixed rate came to an end 4 months ago I'm currently considering moving in with a new partner. I don't want to sell my house yet because I have no idea as to whether the new move will prove successful. Would it be likely that Aldermore Bank would grant a consent to let based on me letting out my property on a an AST for 1-2 years and then I will commit to a buy to let product or sell it?
  • My partner and I might have to rent his apartment out. I am aware that I need a consent to let from Aldermore Bank. We plan on joining a landlord association if we decide to let the property, but which of the two should we register with? We've seen the RLA and National Landlords Association.
  • I have had a Aldermore Bank mortgage for less than a year but I discovered this morning that I am about be made redundant. I would appreciate some how to go about being given consent to let from Aldermore Bank
  • Situation: I am moving to Paris to start a new job. This might be for many years. Nevertheless I will be on a six month test period .I would like to know how to go about getting consent to let from Aldermore Bank and what fees are to be incurred
  • Just looking for some advice. I already have a mortgage in place with Aldermore Bank. I have been given approval to temporarily rent out my flat from the managing agents and they asked if I have consent to from Aldermore Bank.
  • Do you have the address to which a Consent to Let request to be sent for Aldermore Bank? Sorry about bothering you with this query.
  • Me and my fiance and I need to rent out my flat to be nearer to my son’s college and look after of my mother. Do I need consent to let from my lender Aldermore Bank?