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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Birmingham Midshires? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to Birmingham Midshires consent to lease

  • I have a regular mortgage over my home in loc and am due to relocate to country for a couple of years. During this time frame I want to let out my apartment. My mortgage provider has declined to grant me consent to let. I am not inclined to transfer to a buy to let mortgage as it’s only for a limited time-frame that I am abroad for.

  • Hi, I have a mortgage on an apartment with Birmingham Midshires and I am pondering on the idea of letting the property out. Could this be done without switching to a buy to let or receiving consent to let from Birmingham Midshires?
  • I currently have a residential mortgage with Birmingham Midshires. My company has offered me a property as part of my job and would like to let out my current property. The mortgage advisor has advised me it is a formality. Are you able to provide me with some information please?
  • The plan is to move in with my partner and I have let my property out to two tenants on a one year tenancy. I am now applying for consent to let from Birmingham Midshires but what if they refuse. I can’t rescind on my contract in terms of not renting the students as they have all signed up. On the flip-side Birmingham Midshires could take me to court for contravention of contract i.e. letting it out without consent to let.
  • I am endeavouring to discover which mortgage providers are best for giving consent-to-let without raising rates, and hopefully permitting in excess of 2 years if required. Is that something you can assist me with? We are particularly interested in Birmingham Midshires
  • My wife and I have a mortgage with Birmingham Midshires but am told they have a policy that they refuse to issue consent to let the property to a housing association. Is this right and if so, is there a way to bypass this?
  • I currently have a residential mortgage with Birmingham Midshires and plan on letting due to work being based in Bristol. In asking for consent to let from Birmingham Midshires do I run the risk of them forcing me to change deal to BTL
  • Last month purchased my home and took out a mortgage with Birmingham Midshires but my boyfriend has asked me to move in with him. Would I be granted consent to let?